My Projects

I've embarked on numerous projects throughout the years, but these are the ones I hold closest to my heart. Many of them are open-source, so if you come across something that piques your interest, feel free to explore the codebase and contribute your ideas for further enhancements. Your collaboration is highly valued!


Realtime Chat App

The Chat App Frontend is built using modern web technologies to create a responsive and interactive user interface for a chat application.


Chess App

Developed a frontend chess application in React. All logic and state is managed by Redux. The backend is built with Node.js, Express, and Socket.io. The backend app is in progress not deployed yet.


AI Summarizer Application

App that leverages AI to automatically generate concise & informative summaries from lengthy text content, or blogs.


Api for examination portal

Created api for exam portal in kolkata. It is designed to take mcq test and give result. It is built with Nestjs, and PostgreSQL.


Rating System UI similar to Udemy

Craeted a ui for rating system similar to Udemy. I have used React and Tailwind Css for ui.

Have a project in mind? Let’s build something together!
